Multiplechoice Examination Platform
Manage Students
Patricia Fembeh

Gender: Female

Index Number: FST0006

Email Address:

Contact: 0534491607

Date of Birth: 1968-05-03

Department: FS

Class: FSTeachers

Assessment History
Student Subject Start Time End Time Score Status Action
Patricia Fembeh Introductory Class 19:53:28.000000 11/02/2024 08:09:04 55% Passed! Re-activate
Patricia Fembeh The Holy Spirit 23:07:18.000000 20/02/2024 11:21:24 80% Passed! Re-activate
Patricia Fembeh The New Creation 20:29:43.000000 21/02/2024 08:43:11 66% Passed! Re-activate
Student Subject Start Time End Time Score Status Action