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Student's Selected Options vs Correct Answers - BEW0002024
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1. R-2R is _______ converter
2. What does Data refer to
3. The OSI has ______ layers
4. Protocols deals with
5. _______ can detect and correct errors in data transmission
6. Spread spectrum (SS) is a ___________ technique that distributes a signal and its sidebands over a very wide bandwidth.
7. The most widespread use of SS is in cellular telephones is known as
8. The two most widely used wideband modulation methods are
9. QAM uses both
10. Hartley's Law is mathematically expressed as
11. FSK, PSK, QAM, OFDM are
12. Transimssion Efficiency focuses on
13. Encoding makes data ________ with medium
14. Companding deals with data
15. Parallel data transmission is impractical for long-distance communication because of
16. ASCII and EBCIDC are widely used codes in
17. In digital codes, data processed and stored by computers can be in
18. The basic transmission-reception system is a ______ system.
19. Some examples of linear codes
20. To avoid aliasing
21. Analog to digital conversion includes
22. Which needs re-sending of signal?
23. The frequency hopping system uses ______ modulation scheme
24. CDMA rejects
25. The process of converting the analog sample into discrete form is called
26. Some advantages of spread spectrum are
27. The sequence of operations in which PCM is done is
28. _______ is s benefit of Digital transmission of data
29. Sampling must be done at______ rate
30. Sample and Hold Circuit helps the_________ process
31. Antennas can usually handle transmitting and receiving of electromagnetic waves. This property is called
32. What is the name given to undesirable interference that is added to a signal being transmitted?
33. A signal with a wavelength of 1.5 m has a frequency of
34. A radio wave used in point to point communication consists of
35. In the electromagnetic wave spectrum, the frequency of radio waves ranges from ??? to ???Hz
36. A process where the received signal is transformed into its original form is
37. A device that can perform both modulation and demodulation is called
38. The process of impressing intelligence on the carrier is called
39. Which characteristic of a radio receiver refers to its ability to reject an unwanted signal
40. There is distortion in intelligence when the modulation index,
1. D/A
2. Information
3. 7
4. All of the mentioned
5. Hamming code
6. Multiplexing
8. SS and OFDM
9. Amplitude and Phase
10. C=2B
11. Modulation Techniques
12. Speed and Accuracy
13. Compatible
14. Both and b
15. Cost, Attenuation
16. Data communication
17. Both a and b
18. Three block system
19. All of the mentioned
20. Both of the mentioned
21. Quantization
23. MFSK
24. Narrow band interference
25. Quantization
26. Low susceptibility
27. Sampling, quantizing, encoding
28. Noise Immunity
29. Nyquist
30. Companding
31. Reciprocity
32. noise
33. 200 MHz
34. both electric and magnetic fields.
35. 300K, 300G
36. demodulation
37. Modem
38. modulation
39. Selectivity
40. IV only
1. D/A
2. Information
3. 7
5. Hamming code
6. Modulation and Multiplexing
8. SS and OFDM
9. Amplitude and Phase
10. C=2B
11. Modulation Techniques
12. Speed and Accuracy
13. Nyquist
14. Both and b
15. Both of the mentioned
16. Data communication
17. Both a and b
18. Three block system
19. All of the mentioned
20. Both of the mentioned
21. Both of a and b
22. Error detection
23. MFSK
24. Narrow band interference
25. Quantization
26. All of the mentioned
27. Sampling, quantizing, encoding
28. Noise Immunity
29. Nyquist
30. Conversion
31. Reciprocity
32. noise
33. 200 MHz
34. both electric and magnetic fields.
35. 300K, 300G
36. demodulation
37. Modem
38. modulation
39. Selectivity
40. IV only
32 of 40