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Student's Selected Options vs Correct Answers - BEE0001425
Questions Student's Answers Correct Answers Marks
1. The raw power sent from the utility company is
2. The power used by equipment for useful work is
3. The power used by magnetizing circuits of some equipment is
4. The offset of current from voltage is
5. Select the odd
6. 3-phase AC lines do not use only 3 conductors.
7. It is easier to build circuit breakers for AC systems than DC systems
8. The transforming in AC substation is much easier than ???????????? in DC system
9. HVDC is less reliable and has lower availability due to

In single phase AC circuits Active Power, P =


In single phase AC circuits Reactive Power, Q =

12. In some cases, the receiving end voltage can be found to be higher than the sending end voltage according to ?????????????????????? effect.
13. A high power factor reduces the current ?owing in a supply system.
14. Power factor will be improved if the phase angle between current and voltage is
15. Skin effect reduces the effective ????????? of a conductor
16. Which is more affected by skin effect?
17. Corona effect is due to dielectric stress on

In 3-phase AC circuits using line values, Active Power, P =


In 3-phase AC circuits using phase values, Active Power, P =

20. The ratio of resistance to impedance is
21. Voltages are stepped up or down at the
22. Routes leading to transmission line structures for both line construction and maintenance are known as
23. The reactance of the lines affects the voltage regulation in an AC system.
24. two extreme condition used to determine the ABCD parameters of a transmission line
25. Capacitors ??... reactive power.
26. Inductors ??... reactive power.
27. Power factor can be improved by the use of
28. This phenomena of electrical discharge occurring in transmission line for high values of voltage is known as
29. Skin effect reduces the effective ????????? of a conductor

In a purely inductive circuit, the voltage leads the current by 90 degrees.


In a purely capacitive circuit, the voltage does not leads the current by 90 degrees


In a purely resistive circuit, the voltage leads the current by 0 degrees

33. For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, Is is approximately Ir. YES/ NO

For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, the vertical component of Vr is


For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, the horizontal component of Vr is


For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, the vertical component of Vs is


For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, the horizontal component of Vs is

38. For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, ???.leads the current by 90 degrees
39. For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, is the receiving end phase angle approximately the sending end phase angle? YES/ NO
40. For a short transmission line where Vs is the sending end voltage, Vr the receiving end voltage, and Is and Ir are the sending end and receiving end currents respectively, Which is in phase with Ir.
1. Apparent power
2. Active Power
3. Reactive Power
4. Power Factor
5. Power plant
8. moto-generator sets
9. need for backup batteries
10. IVcosØ
11. IVsineØ
12. ferranti
13. TRUE
15. Cross-sectional area
16. Solid conductor
17. Conductors
18. \({ \sqrt{3} \ }\)IVcosØ
19. \({ \sqrt{3} \ }\)IVcosØ
20. Power Factor
21. Substation
22. access roads
23. TRUE
24. open circuit and short circuit
27. static capacitors
28. corona effect
29. resistivity
30. TRUE
31. TRUE
32. TRUE
33. NO
34. VrsinØr
35. VrcosØr
36. VssinØs
37. VscosØs
38. IrX
39. YES
40. IrR
1. Apparent power
2. Active Power
3. Reactive Power
4. Power Factor
5. Power plant
8. moto-generator sets
9. no of conductors
10. IVcosØ
11. IVsineØ
12. ferranti
13. TRUE
15. Cross-sectional area
16. Solid conductor
17. Insulators
18. \({ \sqrt{3} \ }\)IVcosØ
19. 3IVcosØ
20. Power Factor
21. Substation
22. access roads
23. TRUE
24. open circuit and short circuit
27. static capacitors
28. corona effect
29. resistance
30. TRUE
31. TRUE
32. TRUE
33. YES
34. VrsinØr
35. VrcosØr
36. VssinØs
37. VscosØs
38. IrX
39. YES
40. IrR
35 of 40