2 . Antennas can usually handle transmitting and receiving of electromagnetic waves. This property is called
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3 . What is the name given to undesirable interference that is added to a signal being transmitted?
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6 . In the electromagnetic wave spectrum, the frequency of radio waves ranges from ??? to ???Hz
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10 . Which characteristic of a radio receiver refers to its ability to reject an unwanted signal
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11 . There is distortion in intelligence when the modulation index,. ????? i. 0>m>1 ii. M=1 iii. m<1 iv. m>1
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13 . Antennas radiate most effectively when their length is indirectly related to the wavelength of the transmitted signal.
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14 . ??? is the type of AM used to transmit a picture of the planet Jupiter on national TV
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15 . In FM, the Carson?s Rule states that the bandwidth is equal to twice the sum of the modulating frequency and ______.
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17 . A type of modulation used in transmission of binary data in digital cell phones and low-speed computer modems is
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18 . Name the technique used to extract multiple intelligence signals that have been transmitted simultaneously over a single communication channel.
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19 . ????.. is the amount of change in carrier frequency produced by the modulating signal.
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21 . An FM signal with frequency deviation of 90 KHz and modulating signal bandwidth of 5 KHz is applied to this device. The bandwidth of the output signal is
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23 . To make PM compatible with FM, the deviation produced by frequency variations in the modulating signal must be compensated for. This can be done by passing the intelligence signal through a low-pass RC network called??
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27 . Consider an angle modulation signal (??)=6??????[2???103+2sin(8000????)+4cos(8000????)]??. The average power of ??(??)is
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28 . What part of the carrier is varied by the intelligence during modulation in an AM system?
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29 . The modulated peak value of a signal is 125 V and the unmodulated carrier value is 85 V. What is the modulation index?
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