Online Examination System
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1 .

What would you normally say in french if you want to give your nationality?

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2 .

What would you normally say in french if you want to know where someone stays or lives?

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3 . What would you say in French if you want to indicate that you are fine?

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4 . What would you say in French if you want to ask for someone's name?

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5 . What would you say in French if you want to give your age?

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6 .

Elle va.................New York

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7 .

Mon fils et moi allons.......................Mauritanie.

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8 . Which one is the right transcription for the figure: 17 ?

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9 . Which one is the right transcription for the figure: 14 ?

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10 . Which one is the right transcription for the figure: 91 ?

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11 . Which one is the right transcription for the figure: 30 ?

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12 . Which one is the right transcription for the figure: 55 ?

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13 . Mille

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14 . Vingt-trois

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15 . Deux mille vingt et un

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16 . Sept

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17 . Vingt-neuf

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18 . How would you greet your friend in the afternoon?

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19 .

You can greet your friend "Bonjour" in the night when...

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20 . How would you normally greet your friend in the morning?

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21 . Saying "Tchao" is a formal way of signing off after a conversation.

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22 .

Saying "Bon après-midi" is more of "prendre congè" than of "saluer".

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23 . The verbe "aller" means?.

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24 .

What is the infinitive of the verbe used in the sentence: "Je suis ghanèen"?

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25 .

What is the infinitive of the verbe used in the sentence: "Je m'appelle Electra"?

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26 .

What is the infinitive of the verbe used in the sentence: "Le professeur a 24 ans"?

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27 .

What is the infinitive of the verbe used in the sentence: "Il habite en France"?

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28 .

What is the infinitive of the verbe used in the sentence: "Je me présente devant la classe"?

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29 .

How would you translate this sentence into French: "I am not fine"

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30 . How would you translate this sentence into French: "I live in Tunisia"

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